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Electric motors & generators: high conductivity & high strength

Electric motors & generators: high conductivity & high strength

Lebronze alloys has a long history of producing components for asyncrhonous motors and electricity generators. We provide materials and components solutions for applications demanding high mechancial resistance together with high conductivity due to high copper content.

Lebronze alloys offers multiple materials solutions, in addition to its forging expertise for electric mobiliy, electricity motors and renewable energies leading to CO2 emissions reduction.
Wind turbines: we provide various components in copper alloys and steel. Our materials mechanical and corrosion resistance performances contribute to reduce the maintnenance costs by minimzing maintenance cycles.
Motors: we offer pure-copper or special copper alloy that can be forged into rotor short-circuit end rings, rotor bars and shafts. Copper-based alloys can be hardened or forged to combine very high conductivity with high reliability.

Use cases : Mobility, industrial electricity motors, railway motors, windmills gears, brakes,slip rings.

Lebronze alloys materials for these applications

Alloy Name
Available forms
European Norms
Other norms
NS5 CuNi2Si - -


EN 12163

EN 12167

EN 12420

EN 12165 

2.0855 | DTD 498 | NFL 14-701 | RWMA class 3 

Niclafor® 1000 CuNi9Sn6


- - -
NS30 Automotive CuNi7Si2Cr1 - - - -
CRM16 CuCr1Zr



EN 12163 - EN 12165 - EN 12420 - EN 12167 - CW106C - CW105C

NFA 82100 - DIN 17666 wn 2.1293 - DIN 17672 - DIN 44759



ASTM B 152

EN 12420 - CW004A

CU/C2 Cu-OFE - - - -
HT32 CuZn26Al5Mn3Fe2 - - - -
X133 CuZn25Al6Mn5Fe4 - - - -
ZA9 CuZn19Al6MnFe - - -

ASNA 3402 - NFL 14701

NC4 CuAl10Ni5Fe4


AMS 4640 - ASTM B150 - ASTM B124 - ASTM B171

EN 12420 - EN 12163 - EN 12165 - EN 12167 - CW307G

NFL 14-705 - DIN 17672 wn 2.0966